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Team Cuboss - sponsrade speedcubers
Här har du Team Cuboss! Vi är ett gäng av Europas absolut bästa speedcubers. Tillsammans så innehar vi en mängd olika nationella och europeiska rekord i att lösa Rubiks kub och olika specialgrenar på officiella WCA-tävlingar. Med många år av kompetens och erfarenhet inom speedcubing så samarbetar vi även med Cuboss för att utveckla olika specialprodukter, såsom premiumkuber och smörjmedel. Nedan finner du mer information om du vill du veta mer om oss som utgör team Cuboss. Vill du veta vilka kuber vi rekommenderar för alla WCA-pussel så finns det köprekommendationer här.

Mitt namn är Daniel Wallin, och jag specialiserar mig på att lösa 3×3 samt att lösa kuber med ögonbindel. Under de mer än 200 tävlingar jag deltagit på så har jag hittills tagit tre SM-guld i Rubiks kub, och totalt 85 SM-medaljer i olika grenar. På internationella mästerskap har jag tagit 13 medaljer på EM eller VM, och dessutom lyckats ta Europarekord 10 gånger, framförallt i grenen 4×4 med ögonbindel.

- Born: 1991
- Location: Hungary
- WCA-ID: 2008BARA01
- Favorite cube: Moyu Aofu WR M 7×7
- Youtube: Bence Barat
Hi! My name is Bence Barát and I’m specialized in big cubes. During my cubing career, I have attended more than 170 competitions and won more than 1300 medals, which is the most anyone ever had in WCA history. I have won the World Championship in the event of 7×7 once and the European Championship five times in various categories, while I’ve also broken the World Record 7 times and the European Record 9 times.

- Born: 2000
- Location: Germany
- WCA-ID: 2014GERB01
- Favorite cube: Dayan Megaminx V2 M
- Youtube: Henri Gerber
Hej, my name is Henri Gerber and I am a speedcuber from Oldenburg, Germany. I’ve been cubing for nine years and I am known for my all-rounder abilities. I took part in two world championships where I placed 3rd in 3x3x3 with feet twice. Over my career, I broke six European records in 3×3 with feet and Megaminx. I’ve been in the top10 in the world for sum of ranks for more than six consecutive years (since Oct. 2016) as well as first in Germany over the same period.

- Born: 2005
- Location: Finland
- WCA-ID: 2018KINN05
- Favorite cube: GAN Skewb M (Enhanced)
- Youtube: Urho Kinnunen
Hi! I’m Urho Kinnunen from Helsinki, Finland. I started speedcubing in 2018 and since then I’ve broken six national records in Skewb. I have also achieved top 10 in the world for Skewb single and average. I like to practice almost every event, and I’m currently ranked number one in Finland for Sum of Ranks. My favorite event changes pretty often, but Skewb and 3×3 have always been among my favourites.

- Born: 2005
- Location: Estonia
- WCA-ID: 2017PIHE01
- Favorite cube: Yuxin Little Magic Pyraminx M
- Youtube: Remo Pihel
Hey! My name is Remo Pihel and I’m from Tallinn, Estonia. I’d say that I’m mostly an allrounder, but specialize in Pyraminx, Square-1 and FMC. Although I’m not too good at them, my favourite events are actually Megaminx, 5×5 and 6×6. I started cubing in 2017 due to people cubing in my class. I have broken over 40 Estonian national records and don’t plan on slowing down. When I’m not cubing, I’m usually at a musical rehearsal.

- Born: 2007
- Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
- WCA-ID: 2017URBA01
- Favorite cube: Moyu Weilong GTS 3 M
- Youtube: Mantas Urbanavičius
Hello! My name is Mantas Urbanavičius I am a speedsolver from Lithuania. I started competing in 2017 since that moment I have broken 67 national records and currently I hold 15 of them. Right now I am ranked top 100 in the world in 3×3, 4×4 and 3×3 One-Handed events.

- Born: 1998
- Location: Croatia
- WCA-ID: 2015VUJA01
- Favorite cube: Tornado V3 Flagship
- Youtube: David Vujasić
My name is David Vujasić and I’m a speedcuber from Zagreb, Croatia. I had my first cubing competition in 2015 and since then I’ve racked up countless national championships, close to a 100 NRs in all the events and even more competition podiums! Although I am an all-rounder and have the best national Sum of ranks by far, lately I’ve focused on NxN events and my all-time favourite event – Pyraminx! When I’m not cubing I can be seen training on a badminton court.

- Born: 2000
- Location: Denmark
- WCA-ID: 2013EGDA01
- Favorite cube: GAN Skewb M (Enhanced)
- Youtube: Egdalbrothers
Hi, I’m Daniel from Greater Copenhagen. I have been cubing for over 10 years and attended more than 100 competitions. I have significant experience in most WCA events and I have been top 20 in the world for ‘Sum of Ranks’ several times in recent years. My main event can be seen as Skewb where I have the most gold medals in the world.

De Wit
- Born: 2003
- Location: Netherlands
- WCA-ID: 2015WITM01
- Favorite cube: Tornado V3 Pioneer
- Youtube: Mattheo de Wit
Hi! My name is Mattheo de Wit and I have been cubing since 2015. Since then, I’ve mostly specialized in Skewb and 2×2, but would currently consider myself an allrounder. My biggest achievements so far are having broken 19 National Records in 2×2, Skewb and Clock and being ranked 5th in the world for Skewb back in 2017. Outside of cubing, I’m pursuing a degree in Computer Science & Engineering and in my free time I enjoy staying active with activities like football, running or swimming with friends.

- Born: 2004
- Location: Mainz, Germany
- WCA-ID: 2016ROLZ01
- Favorite cube: MoYu AoShi WR M 6×6
- Youtube: Alwin Rölz
Hi! My name is Alwin Rölz and I’m a Swiss speedcuber currently living in Mainz, Germany to study Linguistics. At the time of writing, I’ve participated in almost 100 competitions and have broken over 70 national records. Apart from being an allrounder I also specialize in 6×6 and 7×7, where I hold both single and mean World Records for the Hoya Method. When I’m not cubing I’m probably playing guitar, piano or obsessing over sports and music.

- Born: 2003
- Location: Lettland
- WCA-ID: 2017LEMB02
- Favorite cube: Tornado V3 Flagship
- Youtube: Mikus Lembergs
Heyyo! I’m Mikus Lembergs and I’m a passionate all-rounder speedcuber from Sigulda, Latvia! I like most events but I’d say my speciality is 3×3 and BLD events. I have the most medals and NRs (both ever and at the moment) out of all the relevant Latvian speedcubers at the moment and many consider me Latvia’s best. I’m also getting into cubing competition organizing and becoming a delegate for my country. Cubing is my favourite hobby, but outside that, I’m into endurance sports, the gym, studying business and working in tourism industry.